Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
Tentang Saya
Jumat, 12 Maret 2010 by Christie Damayanti
Just a stroke survivor & cancer survivor, architect, 'urban and city planner', traveller, also as Jesus's belonging.
- http://kompasiana.com/christiesuharto
- http://twitter.com/suhartochristie
- http://christiesuharto.com
- http://www.youtube.com/christievalentino
- Email : christie.suharto@yahoo.com
Tentang Saya:

Christie Damayanti. Just a stroke survivor and cancer survivor, architect, 'urban and city planner', traveller, also as Jesus's belonging. Follow me on Twitter
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1 Responses to “Tentang Saya”
31 Juli 2016 pukul 03.47
im post stroke human who almost have no hope to survive from there, but u've gave me a hope n spirit to stating fight with all my less hope, so thank u very much may god bless all ur life n love dont tired to be an inspired figure, cause much of us need it in our life......
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